CoolSculpting® Elite

We are proud to be one of the first providers in Northern California to offer CoolSculpting® Elite! This means exclusive access to Allergan’s latest fat freezing technology with better results – at no added cost!

CoolSculpting Elite is the ONLY treatment FDA-cleared to eliminate stubborn fat in 9 different areas of the body including under the chin and jawline areas, thighs, abdomen and flanks, along with bra fat, back fat, underneath the buttocks, and upper arms.

What makes CoolSculpting® Elite better?
1. Reduces MORE Fat
CoolSculpting Elite removes more than 20-25% of unwanted fat – an improvement on the classic model, and the best fat-freeze stats out there!
2. Cover MORE Body Area
CoolSculpting Elite covers 18% more skin surface, targeting more fat cells in the same treatment time.
3. DualSculpting
CoolSculpting Elite has two applicators, whereas the old devices only had one. This means we can treat up to 4 body areas at once!
4. A Decade in Development
Over 10 years of CoolSculpting research, development, and usage have gone into creating a device that is now sleeker, more compact, and offers superior freezing technology.
5. 9 Treatment Areas
CoolSculpting Elite‘s new “every size” applicators mean we are able to treat 9 different areas of the body including under the chin and jawline areas, thighs, abdomen and flanks, along with bra fat, back fat, underneath the buttocks, and upper arms with more precision!

In order to provide you with the most accurate pricing, an in-office complimentary consultation for your customized CoolSculpting Elite treatment is required. Book your complimentary consultation online now with one of our Master CoolSculpting technicians.

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